Dynamics 365 OOB Command Actions: A Detailed Exploration


Dynamics 365 OOB Command Actions: A Detailed Exploration


Out-of-the-Box (OOB) Command Actions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 offer a range of functionalities designed to facilitate various business processes. In this article, we delve into some of the key OOB Command Actions, providing detailed descriptions, typical usages, and practical examples for each.

Comprehensive List of OOB Command Actions

1. AddToQueue

Moves an entity record into a queue.

Often used in customer service scenarios for triaging and categorizing incoming cases.


  • Moving high-priority customer service cases into a special queue for rapid resolution.

2. AddUserToRecordTeam

Adds a user to the access team of a specific record.

Primarily used for facilitating collaboration on specific records.


  • Adding a sales executive to an opportunity record for closer collaboration.

3. ApplyRoutingRule

Applies a routing rule to an entity record.

Typically used in customer service settings to assign cases to specific queues based on attributes like priority, type, or service level.


  • Routing cases related to a specific product line to the product team's queue.

4. CalculateActualValue

Calculates the actual value of an entity record, typically used for financial records like Opportunities.

Used to re-calculate the actual financial value of an entity based on various criteria.


  • Re-calculating an opportunity's value after adding additional line items or applying discounts.

5. CloseOpportunity

Changes the status of an Opportunity to "Won" or "Lost."

Used in sales pipelines to formally close out opportunities.


  • Marking an opportunity as "Won" after receiving a signed contract from the customer.

6. Fulfill

Completes a Sales Order, transitioning it to a "Fulfilled" status.

Used in order processing and management.


  • Changing the status of a sales order to "Fulfilled" after confirming shipment of the products.

7. GetQuoteProductFromOpportunity

Generates Quote Products based on an existing Opportunity.

Used in the sales process to convert opportunities into quotes.


  • Auto-generating a quote with all the products and services listed in an opportunity.

8. GetSalesOrderProductFromOpportunity

Generates Sales Order Products from an Opportunity.

Often used to automate the transition from a closed-won opportunity to the creation of a sales order.


  • Creating a sales order with all the line items listed in a closed-won opportunity.

9. LockInvoicePricing

Locks the pricing on an Invoice, making it uneditable.

Used for financial compliance and to prevent unauthorized changes.


  • Locking the pricing on an invoice once it has been approved and sent to the customer.

10. LockSalesOrderPricing

Locks the pricing on a Sales Order.

Used to ensure pricing consistency and compliance after receiving customer approval.


  • Locking pricing on a sales order after contractual agreement.

11. QualifyLead

Converts a Lead into an Opportunity, Contact, and/or Account.

Used in sales and marketing to move a lead to the next stage of the customer journey.


  • Converting a lead to an opportunity after they have shown a strong interest in a product or service during a discovery call.

12. RemoveUserFromRecordTeam

Removes a user from the access team of a specific record.

Used to restrict access to records when necessary.


  • Removing a user from an opportunity record when they move to a different department or leave the company.

13. ResolveIncident

Closes an Incident (or Case) record as "Resolved."

Used in customer service workflows to close cases that have been satisfactorily resolved.


  • Marking a customer support case as "Resolved" after successfully troubleshooting an issue.

14. ResolveQuote

Changes the status of a Quote to "Accepted" or "Declined."

Used to formalize the outcome of a quoting process.


  • Changing a quote status to "Accepted" after receiving customer approval.

15. Revise

Reverts a closed Quote back to an "Active" or editable state.

Used to make changes to quotes that have already been closed.


  • Re-opening a quote to add additional line items before re-submitting to the customer for approval.

16. SetWordTemplate

Applies a pre-defined Word template to an entity record to generate a document.

Used to automate document creation in various business processes.


  • Generating a contract document by applying a Word template to an Account entity.


Understanding and effectively using OOB Command Actions in Dynamics 365 can significantly streamline your business processes. These actions are integral components that can be invoked through workflows, custom code, or Power Automate flows, enabling greater automation and efficiency.

Understanding the Differences Between Subgrid and Quick View in Dynamics 365


Understanding the Differences Between Subgrid and Quick View in Dynamics 365


Dynamics 365 provides multiple ways to display related records on an entity form, notably through the use of Subgrid and Quick View forms. While they both offer a way to visualize related data, they come with different features and limitations. Below is a comparison table and a revised scenario to better illustrate their differences.

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Conditionally Displaying Actions in Power Apps Portal Lists


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[TIP] Adjusting the Pop-up Window Size in Power Apps Portal / Power Pages

Adjusting the Pop-up Window Size in Power Apps Portal / Power Pages


Power Apps Portal, often integrated into Power Pages, is a low-code platform for building responsive websites that can interact with Dynamics 365 backends. Pop-up windows, also known as modals, are a crucial part of user interaction in these portals. However, the default sizes of these windows might not be suitable for all types of content. This article aims to provide in-depth guidance on customizing the size of pop-up windows in Power Apps Portal using two methods: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript, leveraging jQuery.

Pagination Methods in Dynamics 365 Integration: An In-Depth Guide


Pagination Methods in Dynamics 365 Integration: An In-Depth Guide


When working with Dynamics 365, especially when integrating it with other systems, you'll often have to retrieve large sets of data. However, due to performance considerations, APIs usually impose a limit on the number of records you can fetch in a single request. This necessitates the use of pagination to get the entire dataset. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of different pagination methods, their advantages and drawbacks, and how to apply them in Dynamics 365 integration scenarios.

Hiding a Button Based on Row Count in Subgrid for Power Apps Portal

Hiding a Button Based on Row Count in Subgrid for Power Apps Portal


The ability to display or hide buttons based on the number of rows in a subgrid can be quite a useful feature in Power Apps Portal. This article will elaborate on two scenarios:

  • When the button redirects to a webpage
  • When the button targets a basic form

We will also introduce a reusable function checkSubgridAndHideButton that can be used for any subgrid and button.

[TIP] Filtering Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365 Portal Using JavaScript


Filtering Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365 Portal Using JavaScript


In this blog, we'll explore a hands-on approach to filtering subgrid data in the Dynamics 365 Portal using JavaScript. While server-side plugins and client-side plugins offer solutions to similar challenges, sometimes a JavaScript-only solution is necessary due to limitations or specific project needs.

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Dataverse REST Builder

Create and Execute requests against the Dataverse Web API endpoint.
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 Sorting an Array of JavaScript Objects by Date

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However, what if we want to sort an array of objects based on a date field? Let's take an array of alert objects for example, where each alert object has a createdon field representing the date it was created. We can utilize the sort() method and provide a custom comparator function to sort these objects.

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Sample JavaScript Code:

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 Custom Subgrid Button in Model-driven App Using Power Platform OOB + JavaScript + Power Automate

JavaScript Sample Code:

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