How to Add Custom Button Using N52

 How to Add Custom Button Using N52

 Guidance to create a custom button using N52.

Understanding Falsy Values in JavaScript


Understanding Falsy Values in JavaScript

JavaScript, a dynamic programming language, employs the concept of 'truthy' and 'falsy' values in its operations. A falsy value is a value that translates to false when evaluated in a boolean context. Recognizing these falsy values and understanding their implications in different scenarios is crucial for efficient coding. Here, we delve into each falsy value, exploring their scenarios with relevant examples.

Refreshing Dynamics 365 Forms and Ribbons Using Global Functions


Refreshing Dynamics 365 Forms and Ribbons Using Global Functions


In Dynamics 365, refreshing a form or its ribbon is a common requirement, especially when dealing with updates from popup windows or external triggers. With Xrm.Page deprecated, we're exploring the use of formContext and global functions for form and ribbon refresh. This article will guide you on how to use these methods and explain the scope of the window object in Dynamics 365.

Mastering SharePoint Internal Schemas: A Comprehensive Guide to Filtering Person or Group and Lookup Columns


Mastering SharePoint Internal Schemas: A Comprehensive Guide to Filtering Person or Group and Lookup Columns


Navigating SharePoint's complexities can often be a daunting task, especially when dealing with intricate internal schemas like Person or Group and Lookup columns. These elements are pivotal in creating dynamic and functional SharePoint lists and libraries but can present challenges in understanding and applying their internal naming conventions, particularly when integrating with tools like Power Automate. This guide aims to demystify these complexities, providing a practical overview of SharePoint's internal schemas with a focus on filtering Person or Group and Lookup columns. We'll use a real-world example to illustrate these concepts:

Adjusting SSRS Reports to Fit Avery Label Templates: A Practical Guide

 Adjusting SSRS Reports to Fit Avery Label Templates: A Practical Guide

Introduction: Tailoring SSRS reports to fit Avery label templates can be a precise task. This guide provides a step-by-step approach, using a real example to demonstrate how to align your SSRS report with Avery 5961 label specifications.

Dynamics 365 Form Customization: Responding to Tab State Changes


Dynamics 365 Form Customization: Responding to Tab State Changes


A common scenario involves executing specific actions when a tab on the form expands or collapses. This article guides you through implementing a response to tab state changes in Dynamics 365.

Controlling Field Visibility and Editability on Specific Tabs in Dynamics 365


Controlling Field Visibility and Editability on Specific Tabs in Dynamics 365

Efficient Form Customization in Dynamics 365

A common requirement is to control the visibility and editability of fields on specific tabs, especially when the same field appears in multiple places. This article introduces methods to dynamically set field visibility and editability, focusing on particular tabs.

Using $expand Query in Power Automate for Retrieving Specific Fields from Related Entities

 Using $expand Query in Power Automate for Retrieving Specific Fields from Related Entities


In Power Automate, fetching data from related entities in Microsoft Dataverse can sometimes be challenging, especially when you need specific fields from a lookup entity. This article introduces the $expand query option, which allows you to efficiently retrieve related entity data. We'll focus on a scenario where you need to fetch specific fields from a Contact entity that is related to a Program Application entity.

Resolving "File Not Found" Errors in Power Automate When Using Custom File Paths

Resolving "File Not Found" Errors in Power Automate When Using Custom File Paths


In my recent experience with Microsoft Power Automate, I encountered a frustrating "file not found" error. This occurred while trying to access files using custom values in the "Get file content using path" action. In this article, I'll share how I resolved this issue, which might help others facing similar challenges.

Customizing Ribbon Buttons in Dynamics 365: Hiding Buttons on Specific Entities and Forms


Customizing Ribbon Buttons in Dynamics 365: Hiding Buttons on Specific Entities and Forms

Customizing the visibility of ribbon buttons in Dynamics 365 can significantly enhance the user experience by ensuring that users see only relevant options. One effective way to achieve this is by using the hideSubgridButton function in conjunction with the Ribbon Workbench. Below, we explore how to implement this solution, using the provided hideSubgridButton function as an example.

Controlling Button Visibility Based on User Roles in Dynamics 365


Controlling Button Visibility Based on User Roles in Dynamics 365


Customizing user interfaces to enhance user experience is a critical aspect of CRM systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365. One such customization involves controlling the visibility of buttons based on the user's security roles. In this article, we delve into a practical approach to achieve this using JavaScript within Dynamics 365.

Understanding Context References in Dynamics 365 Subgrid and Form Customizations

Understanding Context References in Dynamics 365 Subgrid and Form Customizations using Ribbon Workbench

In Dynamics 365, JavaScript customizations offer a powerful way to enhance the user interface and functionality. A common scenario involves custom ribbon buttons that execute JavaScript functions. These functions often require context about the form or subgrid from which they are invoked. This article clarifies how to access and use these contexts effectively.

How to Hide the "Check Access" Button in Dynamics 365

 How to Hide the "Check Access" Button in Dynamics 365

Introduction: The "Check Access" button is part of out-of-box feature in Dynamics 365. There may be scenarios where you want to hide this button. This button can indeed be hidden using the Ribbon Workbench tool. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Embracing Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises and Async/Await

 Embracing Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises and Async/Await

In the realm of web development, JavaScript is renowned for its ability to perform asynchronous operations, crucial for non-blocking execution which enhances the user experience by keeping the application responsive. This article explores the core components of asynchronous operations in JavaScript: Promises and the async/await syntax, along with the then and catch methods.

Understanding Logical Name and Schema Name in Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Dataverse


Understanding Logical Name and Schema Name in Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Dataverse

When developing solutions in Dynamics 365 or the Microsoft Dataverse, one might encounter terms like "logical name" and "schema name". Both of these terms refer to the naming of entities and fields within the platform, but they have distinct purposes and conventions. Understanding the difference between the two can save developers considerable time and prevent potential errors.