Showing posts with label Power Apps Portal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Apps Portal. Show all posts

Add Google Analytics tag to your Power Pages site or Specified Web Pages

 You can add Google Analytics tag to your Power Pages site to monitor specific traffic analytics and trends.

Enhancing User Experience in Power Apps Portals with Conditional Button Visibility

In the world of web development, especially within the context of Power Apps Portals, creating an intuitive and dynamic user interface is crucial for an engaging user experience. A common requirement is to alter the visibility of elements based on certain conditions to make interfaces cleaner and more user-friendly. This article demonstrates how to control the visibility of a "Full Page View" button in a Power Apps Portal form, based on the value of a "Last Release Date" field.

Enhancing Form Security in Power Pages: Masking Input Fields

Enhancing Form Security in Power Pages: Masking Input Fields

Introduction: In the digital era, ensuring the security and confidentiality of user inputs on web forms is paramount. One common practice is masking sensitive information fields, such as passwords, to prevent over-the-shoulder snooping. In Power Pages, this can be achieved with a simple tweak. This article walks you through the steps to mask an input field, using jQuery for a seamless user experience.

How to Enable Anonymous Access in Power Pages


How to Enable Anonymous Access in Power Pages

Enabling anonymous access in Power Pages (formerly known as Power Apps portals) allows visitors to access your portal without needing to log in, making it an essential feature for public websites, including blogs, informational sites, and more. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to enable anonymous access, focusing on ensuring table permissions for the anonymous web role and setting site visibility to public.

Filtering Lookup Fields in Power Apps Portals Based on Another Field's Value


Filtering Lookup Fields in Power Apps Portals Based on Another Field's Value


In Power Apps Portals, a common requirement is to dynamically filter a lookup field based on the value of another field on the form. This functionality enhances the user experience by presenting contextually relevant choices, thereby streamlining data entry processes.

Enhancing Form Usability in Power Apps Portal with Dynamic Field Validation


Enhancing Form Usability in Power Apps Portal with Dynamic Field Validation


In Power Apps Portal, customizing user experience to accommodate complex business logic is crucial. A common scenario involves dynamically adjusting form fields based on user input. This article details a method to visually and programmatically control the required status of form fields in Power Apps Portal, enhancing both user experience and data integrity.

Dynamic Form Field Requirements in Web Development


Dynamic Form Field Requirements in Web Development

Background Web forms often require dynamic behavior based on user interactions. In web development, handling such dynamic requirements, especially in the context of form field validations, presents a unique challenge.

Purpose The objective was to implement a solution that could dynamically change the required status of certain form fields. This change was dependent on the state of a checkbox, specifically a "Non-Booked Case" checkbox. When this checkbox was toggled, certain fields in the form needed to update their "required" status accordingly, both functionally and visually.

[TIP] How to Modify the Primary Navigation in a Dynamics 365 Portal


How to Modify the Primary Navigation in a Dynamics 365 Portal


This updated article focuses on modifying the "Primary Navigation" in a Dynamics 365 Portal. This is an out-of-the-box Web Link Set that controls the main navigation menu. You will learn how to update existing links or add new Child Links to customize your portal's navigation.

[TIP] Enabling Column Sorting on Related Tables in Power Apps Portals

Enabling Column Sorting on Related Tables in Power Apps Portals

Introduction: Power Apps portals offer remarkable flexibility in displaying and managing data. However, sorting columns from related tables in a list isn't straightforward. This article introduces a solution to enable this functionality.

Enhancing Search Functionality in Power Apps Portals: A Dive into FetchXML

Enhancing Search Functionality in Power Apps Portals: A Dive into FetchXML


Power Apps portals offer a robust platform for building interactive web applications. One of its most notable features is the ability to create custom search filters using FetchXML. In this article, we'll explore how to use FetchXML for search filters, leverage JavaScript for UI adjustments, and examine the behavior of the "like" operator in FetchXML.

[TIP] Alerting Users When a Subgrid in Dynamics 365 Is Empty


Alerting Users When a Subgrid in Dynamics 365 Is Empty


Dynamics 365 and Power Apps offer extensive customization options, one of which is the ability to use subgrids to display related records. While subgrids are helpful, there are scenarios where you might need to prompt the user with an alert if the subgrid is empty. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve this functionality using JavaScript and jQuery.

[TIP] Changing Element Height in Web Development - A Case Study with Quick View Forms in Dynamics 365


Changing Element Height in Web Development - A Case Study with Quick View Forms in Dynamics 365


Changing the height of HTML elements is a common requirement in web development. This can often be achieved using CSS, but sometimes it requires a little more effort—particularly when dealing with iframes or other embedded content. In this article, we'll examine a specific case study that deals with adjusting the height of a Quick View form in Dynamics 365, a Microsoft product commonly used for CRM.

How to Dynamically Hide Buttons in Power Apps Portal Using JavaScript and MutationObserver


How to Dynamically Hide Buttons in Power Apps Portal Using JavaScript and MutationObserver


Creating a dynamic user interface is a critical aspect of application development in Power Apps Portal. One common use case involves conditionally showing or hiding UI elements like buttons based on certain criteria. This article will guide you through the steps to dynamically hide a "Create New" button in a subgrid when certain conditions are met, using JavaScript and the MutationObserver API.

[TIP] Conditionally Displaying Actions in Power Apps Portal Lists


Conditionally Displaying Actions in Power Apps Portal Lists


In Power Apps Portals, displaying list actions like "Edit," "Delete," or custom actions conditionally can be a crucial requirement. The need for conditional display often arises based on specific attributes or states of the data being displayed. In this article, we will explore how you can conditionally show or hide actions on lists in Power Apps Portals.

[TIP] Automating Data Transfer from Subgrid Rows to a Power Apps Portal Form

Automating Data Transfer from Subgrid Rows to a Power Apps Portal Form


In this article, we'll explore a scenario where we need to extract data from a subgrid within a Power Apps Portal and populate it into a field on a form. To accomplish this, we'll create a JavaScript function triggered by a custom button within the subgrid. This functionality can be particularly useful when you want to streamline data entry or improve user experience on your portal.

[TIP] Clearing Field Values in Power Apps Portal Using JavaScript


Clearing Field Values in Power Apps Portal Using JavaScript


In Power Apps Portal, it's common to require field changes based on user interactions. For read-only fields, traditional change events might not be effective. However, we can leverage JavaScript to capture button clicks and execute actions accordingly. In this article, we'll show you how to create a JavaScript template to clear field values when specific buttons are clicked.

[TIP] Adjusting the Pop-up Window Size in Power Apps Portal / Power Pages

Adjusting the Pop-up Window Size in Power Apps Portal / Power Pages


Power Apps Portal, often integrated into Power Pages, is a low-code platform for building responsive websites that can interact with Dynamics 365 backends. Pop-up windows, also known as modals, are a crucial part of user interaction in these portals. However, the default sizes of these windows might not be suitable for all types of content. This article aims to provide in-depth guidance on customizing the size of pop-up windows in Power Apps Portal using two methods: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript, leveraging jQuery.

Hiding a Button Based on Row Count in Subgrid for Power Apps Portal

Hiding a Button Based on Row Count in Subgrid for Power Apps Portal


The ability to display or hide buttons based on the number of rows in a subgrid can be quite a useful feature in Power Apps Portal. This article will elaborate on two scenarios:

  • When the button redirects to a webpage
  • When the button targets a basic form

We will also introduce a reusable function checkSubgridAndHideButton that can be used for any subgrid and button.

[TIP] Filtering Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365 Portal Using JavaScript


Filtering Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365 Portal Using JavaScript


In this blog, we'll explore a hands-on approach to filtering subgrid data in the Dynamics 365 Portal using JavaScript. While server-side plugins and client-side plugins offer solutions to similar challenges, sometimes a JavaScript-only solution is necessary due to limitations or specific project needs.

[TIP] How to rename the column name in subgrid of Power Pages/Power Apps Portal

 [TIP] How to rename the column name in subgrid of Power Pages/Power Apps Portal

In Power Pages/Power Apps Portal, sometimes we may need to change the column names in the subgrid.