Enhancing Form Security in Power Pages: Masking Input Fields

Enhancing Form Security in Power Pages: Masking Input Fields

Introduction: In the digital era, ensuring the security and confidentiality of user inputs on web forms is paramount. One common practice is masking sensitive information fields, such as passwords, to prevent over-the-shoulder snooping. In Power Pages, this can be achieved with a simple tweak. This article walks you through the steps to mask an input field, using jQuery for a seamless user experience.


1. Go to Power Pages editor, click "Edit code" on the web page.

2. Add the Masking Script:

Insert the following script in the HTML of the web page where your form is located. This script specifically targets an input field by its ID and changes its type to password, effectively masking any input.

<script> $(document).ready(function() { // Target the input field by its ID $("#hs_password").attr("type", "password"); }); </script>

Note: Replace "hs_password" with the actual ID of your input field.

3. Test the Implementation:

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