Custom Button on Subgrid to Create New Related Records with Pre-Populated Parameters in Dynamics 365


Custom Button on Subgrid to Create New Related Records with Pre-Populated Parameters in Dynamics 365

In the world of CRM systems, especially in platforms like Microsoft Dynamics 365, the ability to streamline and automate processes is key to efficiency. One useful customization is adding a custom button to a subgrid that creates a new related record, with certain fields pre-populated based on the context of the parent record. This article walks through how to implement such a feature using a JavaScript function and Ribbon Workbench.

Understanding the Difference Between JSON and JavaScript Object Literals


Understanding the Difference Between JSON and JavaScript Object Literals

When working with data in web development, it's crucial to understand the distinction between JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and JavaScript object literals. Although they appear similar, there are key differences that affect how they are used in coding.

Tailoring Dynamics 365: Visibility Control of Subgrid Buttons Based on View

 Tailoring Dynamics 365: Visibility Control of Subgrid Buttons Based on View

Introduction Customizing the visibility of subgrid buttons based on the current view in Dynamics 365 can streamline user workflows and enhance interface intuitiveness. This article presents a solution to dynamically show or hide buttons in subgrid based on the active view.

Customizing Dynamics 365: Opening Specific Forms with Custom Buttons

 Customizing Dynamics 365: Opening Specific Forms with Custom Buttons

Introduction Customizing user experience in Dynamics 365 can significantly improve efficiency and user satisfaction. One way to achieve this is by adding custom buttons to open specific main and Quick Create forms. This article introduces how to implement such customizations using JavaScript.

Enabling Quick Create Forms in Dynamics 365: A Step-by-Step Guide

 Enabling Quick Create Forms in Dynamics 365: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Quick Create forms in Microsoft Dynamics 365 facilitate streamlined data entry for specific entities. Sometimes, the option to create these forms is greyed out, posing a challenge for users. This guide addresses this issue and provides a solution.

Tips: Why 'Add Existing...' Button Sometimes Missing in Subgrids


Tips: Why 'Add Existing...' Button Sometimes Missing in Subgrids


In the world of Microsoft Dynamics 365, small changes in entity configuration can have significant impacts on how the system behaves. A common point of confusion arises with the 'Add existing...' button in subgrids. Sometimes, this button is visible; other times, it's mysteriously absent. This article sheds light on why this happens, focusing on the effect of a lookup field's requirement level on subgrid functionality.

Filtering Lookup Fields in Power Apps Portals Based on Another Field's Value


Filtering Lookup Fields in Power Apps Portals Based on Another Field's Value


In Power Apps Portals, a common requirement is to dynamically filter a lookup field based on the value of another field on the form. This functionality enhances the user experience by presenting contextually relevant choices, thereby streamlining data entry processes.

Automating Field Synchronization in Dynamics 365: Updating Child Records on Form Save


Automating Field Synchronization in Dynamics 365: Updating Child Records on Form Save


In Dynamics 365, maintaining data integrity and consistency across related records is a common requirement. One practical scenario is when specific field changes in a parent entity should reflect in its child entities. This article focuses on a case involving the tri_programsession entity and its related appointment records. We demonstrate how to automate the process of updating child records based on changes in the parent form, utilizing Dynamics 365's JavaScript API.

Implementing a Custom Date-Time Combination in Dynamics 365

 Implementing a Custom Date-Time Combination in Dynamics 365

In many business scenarios, especially in scheduling and calendar management, there's a need to combine separate date and time fields into a single date-time field. This article walks through a specific requirement in Microsoft Dynamics 365 where we combine a date-only field with two separate time fields to create comprehensive start and end date-time fields. This task requires careful handling of JavaScript within the Dynamics 365 environment.

Enhancing Form Usability in Power Apps Portal with Dynamic Field Validation


Enhancing Form Usability in Power Apps Portal with Dynamic Field Validation


In Power Apps Portal, customizing user experience to accommodate complex business logic is crucial. A common scenario involves dynamically adjusting form fields based on user input. This article details a method to visually and programmatically control the required status of form fields in Power Apps Portal, enhancing both user experience and data integrity.

Dynamic Form Field Requirements in Web Development


Dynamic Form Field Requirements in Web Development

Background Web forms often require dynamic behavior based on user interactions. In web development, handling such dynamic requirements, especially in the context of form field validations, presents a unique challenge.

Purpose The objective was to implement a solution that could dynamically change the required status of certain form fields. This change was dependent on the state of a checkbox, specifically a "Non-Booked Case" checkbox. When this checkbox was toggled, certain fields in the form needed to update their "required" status accordingly, both functionally and visually.

Implementing Dynamic Lookup Field Filtering in Dynamics 365 Using Web API and JavaScript


In the world of CRM systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365, managing the interplay between different entities and fields is a critical aspect of ensuring data integrity and user efficiency. A common scenario is the need to filter the options available in a lookup field based on the selection in another field. This article explores a practical example where such dynamic filtering is required and demonstrates how to implement it using Dynamics 365’s Web API and JavaScript.

Set Tab Visibility on Dynamics 365 Form Using Javascript

Set Tab Visibility on Dynamics 365 Form Using Javascript

Controls the visibility of specified tabs on a Dynamics 365 form based on form type. Intended to be used in the form's OnLoad and OnSave event.

How to Resolve the Issue of Missing Custom Entities in North52 Formula

 How to Resolve the Issue of Missing Custom Entities in North52 Formula

Problem Description

While attempting to create a Process Genie formula in North52, the expected custom entity is not listed in the dropdown menu. This issue can occur even after ensuring that the entity is correctly created and published in Dynamics 365.