Setting Columns to Read-Only in an Editable Subgrid in Dynamics 365

  Editable subgrids in Dynamics 365 provide a dynamic way to display and interact with related data directly on a parent form. There are situations, however, where it's necessary to restrict editing of certain fields within these subgrids to maintain data integrity or adhere to business rules. This article explains how to make specific columns in an editable subgrid read-only using JavaScript, employing addOnRecordSelect event depending on the requirement.

Comprehensive Guide to Power BI Workspace License Modes and User Access


Microsoft's Power BI platform offers a range of features to meet the needs of diverse business analytics use cases. However, understanding the licensing requirements is crucial to accessing, sharing, and collaborating on reports and data effectively.

Correctly Formatting CSV Files in Power Automate

 Creating well-organized CSV files in Power Automate requires a clear understanding of how text and values are formatted and placed directly in the value field. This guide demonstrates how to correctly structure data in a CSV without using special characters like \n, \r, or quotation marks.

Mastering Data Filtering (Filter Rows) in Power Automate: Practical Examples for Dynamics 365

Effective data filtering is key to optimizing workflows in Power Automate when working with Dynamics 365. This guide provides examples of common filtering techniques to help you manage data efficiently.

How to Include Related Entity Columns in Dynamics 365 Views

In Dynamics 365, displaying data from related entities in views can greatly enhance user experience by providing comprehensive insights at a glance. However, administrators may sometimes face issues where columns from a related entity, such as a parent entity, do not appear in the dropdown list for adding to a view. This article explores a solution to this common challenge.