Pagination Methods in Dynamics 365 Integration: An In-Depth Guide


Pagination Methods in Dynamics 365 Integration: An In-Depth Guide


When working with Dynamics 365, especially when integrating it with other systems, you'll often have to retrieve large sets of data. However, due to performance considerations, APIs usually impose a limit on the number of records you can fetch in a single request. This necessitates the use of pagination to get the entire dataset. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of different pagination methods, their advantages and drawbacks, and how to apply them in Dynamics 365 integration scenarios.

Table of Contents

  1. Cursor-Based Pagination
  2. Offset-Based Pagination
  3. Page Number and Size
  4. Conclusion

1. Cursor-Based Pagination


Cursor-based pagination is best for large datasets where the client doesn't need to jump to arbitrary pages.


  • Cursor: A pointer to a specific record in a dataset.
  • @odata.nextLink: Dynamics 365's OData API returns a special property called @odata.nextLink when you query for a set of records. This URL can be used to fetch the next set of records directly.


  • Efficient for large datasets.
  • Server-controlled, ensuring optimized queries.


  • Doesn't allow jumping to specific pages.
  • Not intuitive for end-users who think in terms of "pages."

Detailed Introduction

The @odata.nextLink is a URL that allows you to fetch the next set of records. It's automatically generated based on your initial query and can be used to directly fetch the next set of records. This server-controlled link ensures that the server does the heavy lifting, making the process more efficient.

Example Code for D365 Integration

// Initial request to fetch the first set of records
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync("$top=10");
string responseData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
dynamic parsedData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseData);

// Check if there's a next link
if (parsedData["@odata.nextLink"] != null)
    // Fetch the next set of records using the provided nextLink
    HttpResponseMessage nextResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync(parsedData["@odata.nextLink"].ToString());
    // Process the next set of records

2. Offset-Based Pagination


Offset-based pagination is suitable for small to medium-sized datasets where the client may need to jump to arbitrary pages.


  • $skip: The number of records to skip before starting to fetch records in the set.
  • $top: The number of records to fetch.


  • Allows for jumping to specific pages.
  • Easy to implement on the client side.


  • Becomes inefficient for large datasets.
  • Skipping records can be resource-intensive on the server.

Detailed Introduction

In offset-based pagination, you use the $skip query parameter to indicate where to start fetching records and the $top query parameter to specify how many records to fetch. This gives the client control over which slice of data to retrieve but may be inefficient for the server if the offset is large.

Example Code for D365 Integration

// Skip the first 10 records and fetch the next 10
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync("$skip=10&$top=10");
// Process the records

3. Page Number and Size


Page number and size pagination is ideal for user interfaces and small datasets.


  • Page Number: The current page you want to retrieve.
  • Page Size: The number of records per page.


  • User-friendly.
  • Easy to implement in UIs.


  • Inefficient for large datasets.
  • Counting and skipping records can be slow.

Detailed Introduction

In this method, you calculate $skip and $top based on the current page number and page size. The server then skips the calculated number of records and fetches the specified number of records. This method can be problematic for large datasets due to performance issues and consistency concerns. As you go deeper into the pages, the database has to skip more and more records, which can be slow. Moreover, if records are added or removed while you're paginating, the pages can get messed up.

Example Code for D365 Integration

int pageNumber = 2;
int pageSize = 10;
int skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;

HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"$skip={skip}&$top={pageSize}");
// Process the records


Choosing the right pagination method largely depends on your specific needs, including the size of your dataset and how the client will interact with it. For large datasets, cursor-based pagination is usually the most efficient. For smaller datasets or scenarios where the client needs to jump to specific pages, offset-based or page number and size pagination can be more appropriate. Always consider the trade-offs when choosing a pagination method for Dynamics 365 integration.

By understanding these pagination methods, even citizen developers can make more informed decisions when integrating Dynamics 365 with other systems.

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