Understanding the Use of _lookup field logical name_value in Dynamics 365

Understanding the Use of _lookup field logical name_value in Dynamics 365

In Microsoft Dynamics 365, understanding when and how to use the _lookup field logical name_value is crucial for developers, especially when dealing with relationships between entities. This article aims to introduce the scenarios where this pattern is applicable and its significance in Dynamics 365 development.

Basics of Lookup Fields in Dynamics 365

Lookup fields in Dynamics 365 are used to create a relationship between two entities. For example, a lookup field in the 'Contact' entity might reference an account in the 'Account' entity, creating a link between a specific contact and an account. In the context of Dynamics 365's Web API, these relationships are represented through unique identifiers (GUIDs).

Scenarios for Using _lookup field logical name_value

  1. Retrieving Related Entity Data: When you retrieve a record that contains a lookup field, the Web API returns an object with several properties related to this lookup. The property pattern _lookup field logical name_value contains the GUID of the related record. For instance, if you have a lookup field named parentaccountid in a contact entity, when retrieving this contact, you'll get parentaccountid as a part of the response, and _parentaccountid_value will hold the GUID of the related account.

  2. Creating or Updating Records: While creating or updating records using the Web API, you need to set lookup fields to link the record to another entity. Here, you use the _lookup field logical name_value format to specify the GUID of the entity you are linking to. For example, when creating a new contact linked to an existing account, you would set parentaccountid as "_parentaccountid_value": "/accounts(GUID)".

  3. JavaScript Client-side Operations: In client-side scripting, particularly when dealing with forms, the _lookup field logical name_value pattern is used to get or set the value of a lookup field. For example, if you need to get the account associated with a contact on a form, you would access the parentaccountid field to get the parentaccountid_value.

  4. Data Integration and Migration Tasks: When integrating external systems with Dynamics 365 or during data migration activities, understanding and using the _lookup field logical name_value is essential to maintain the integrity of relationships between entities.

Importance of Using the Correct Pattern

Using the _lookup field logical name_value correctly ensures data integrity and the proper functioning of entity relationships within Dynamics 365. It is especially important in scenarios involving complex data structures and integrations, where maintaining the correct links between records is crucial.


The use of _lookup field logical name_value in Dynamics 365 is a fundamental concept that plays a vital role in handling entity relationships. It's essential for developers to understand its usage in various scenarios, ranging from data retrieval and record manipulation to integration and data migration. Proper usage ensures efficient data management and upholds the relational integrity within the Dynamics 365 ecosystem.

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