Setting Lookup Fields in Dynamics 365 Using the N52 SetLookup Function


Setting Lookup Fields in Dynamics 365 Using the N52 SetLookup Function


In Dynamics 365, Lookup fields often need to be set programmatically, based on certain conditions or actions. One common requirement is to set a Lookup field to a specific entity based on its GUID. The N52 formula engine provides the SetLookup function to meet this need efficiently. This article will walk you through how to use SetLookup to set Lookup fields in Dynamics 365.

The SetLookup Function in N52

The SetLookup function in N52 allows you to set the value of a Lookup field. The function is very straightforward; it takes a single argument, which is the GUID of the entity you want to set.

Function Signature

N52 formula


N52 formula

In this example, the SetLookup function sets the target Lookup field to an entity with the GUID '630dd379c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c9a5'.

Using SetLookup with WhoAmI()

If you want to set the Lookup field to the current user, you can use the WhoAmI() function to obtain the current user's GUID. Then you can pass this GUID to the SetLookup function.

N52 formula

In this scenario, the "Delivered By" field is just an example; you could use this formula to set any Lookup field to the current user.


The SetLookup function in N52 provides a simple yet effective way to set Lookup fields in Dynamics 365 to specific entities based on their GUIDs. When used in combination with other N52 functions, like WhoAmI(), it offers a powerful tool for automating and enhancing workflows.

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