[TIP] How to rename the column name in subgrid of Power Pages/Power Apps Portal
In Power Pages/Power Apps Portal, sometimes we may need to change the column names in the subgrid.
[TIP] How to rename the column name in subgrid of Power Pages/Power Apps Portal
In Power Pages/Power Apps Portal, sometimes we may need to change the column names in the subgrid.
Just show the different parts from the previous demo which was finished by using Power Apps Portal.
Power Apps Portal "Server Error in '/' Application
"a connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond"
The below solution could be a reference for you.
1. Go to portal app setting:
When integrated SharePoint to Portal, there will be two buttons for document management: "Add files" and "New folder".
1. Find the specific Entity form your Share Point document upload grid located at within your Portal Management.
2. Switch to "Additional settings" tab.
3. Go to the "Custom JavaScript" section part, then type the following JavaScript code:
4. Go to your Portal Designer, click "Sync Configuration"-> "Browse website" button, then launch your Entity form again, the "New Folder" button would disappear:
Power Apps Portal : How to add Advanced Form / Web Form into webpage
Precondition: An advanced form(web form) and a basic form (entity form) have been created.
Step 1: Add a basic form (entity form) into a section of the webpage.
Step 2: Update the script:
Change "entityform" to "webform"
Change the form name to the advanced form's name
Step 3: Browse website
Issue: Power Apps Portal - Entity Form / Basic Form Doesn't show in the published webpage
Reason: Form doesn't support the current webpage template.
Solution: Change the webpage template.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#prag_manufacturer").change(onDisplaySectionChange); onDisplaySectionChange(); }); function onDisplaySectionChange() { var varManuf = $('#prag_manufacturer').find("option:selected").text(); if (varManuf === "Other") { $('#prag_othermanufacturer').parent().parent().show(); } else { $('#prag_othermanufacturer').parent().parent().hide(); } }